Webster Bible Church is an evangelical, independent, nondenominational Bible preaching and teaching ministry. We are dedicated to faithful expository preaching of the inspired Word of God. We offer bible teaching for all ages and grade levels. We have a growing biblical counseling ministry, a more intimate fellowship in our weekly small groups as well as a new found zeal for local and international missions.

Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Transformative Truth: The righteous King’s rule brings both blessing and judgment..
The Public Address
2 Samuel 23:1-7
When one rules justly over men, ruling in the fear of God, he dawns on them like the morning light, like the sun shining forth on a cloudless morning, like rain that makes grass to sprout from the earth.
Ruler over mankind - righteous! Ruler - fear of God!
God promised this Good News long ago through his prophets in the holy Scriptures. The Good News is about his Son. In his earthly life he was born into King David's family line, and he was shown to be the Son of God when he was raised from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit. He is Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 1:3-4
The righteous King's rule brings both blessing and judgment.
The Private Charge
1 Kings 2:1-9
When your days are over and you rest with your ancestors, I will raise up your offspring to succeed you, your own flesh and blood, and I will establish his kingdom.
2 Samuel 7:12
When I was a son with my father, tender and precious to my mother, he taught me and said, "Your heart must hold on to my words. Keep my commands and live."
Proverbs 4:3-4
The righteous King's rule brings both blessing and judgment.
The Promised Kingdom
1 Kings 2:10-12

Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Transformative Truth:
Rebel-sinners stand in need of mercy from the rightful King.
Self-Advancement 1 Kings 1:1-10
Sovereign Appointment 1 Kings 1:11-40
On that day living water will flow out from Jerusalem, and the LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name. Zechariah 14:8, 9
Settled Arrangement 1 Kings 1:41-53
The Lord is God and has given us light. Bind the festival sacrifice with cords to the horns of the altar. Psalm 118:27
Rebel-sinners stand in need of mercy from the rightful King.
For this reason God highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow- in heaven and on earth and under the earth- and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:9-11

Sunday Aug 27, 2023
The Life Of David - The Costly Count - 2 Samuel 24:1-24
Sunday Aug 27, 2023
Sunday Aug 27, 2023
The Sinful Act 2 Samuel 24:1-9
The Sincere Confession 2 Samuel 24:10
Sin is costly, but because of God's mercy we can be forgiven and enjoy fellowship with him.
The Severe Consequences 2 Samuel 24:11-17
The Sacrificial Offerings 2 Samuel 24:18-25
Propitiation: a sacrifice that bears God's wrath to the end and in so doing changes God's wrath toward us into favor.
Sin is costly, but because of God's mercy we can be forgiven and enjoy fellowship with him.

Sunday Aug 20, 2023
The Life Of David - David’s Mighty Men - 2 Samuel 23:8-39
Sunday Aug 20, 2023
Sunday Aug 20, 2023
Transformative Truth: "The strength of God's kingdom rests in the Lord, not in us"
1. Great Human Accomplishments (vv.8-12)
2. Great Human Devotion (vv. 13-17)
3. More Great Human Accomplishments (vv. 18-23)
4. The Problem with Human Heroes (vv. 24-39)

Sunday Aug 13, 2023
The Life Of David - The King’s Final Praise - 2 Samuel 22:1-51
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Transformative Truth: "The One worthy of all praise is Yahweh, the great deliverer."
1. The Deliverance of the Lord
2. The Righteousness of the Servant?
3. The Splendor of the Lord
4. The Victory of the King
5. The Reign of the Messiah

Sunday Aug 06, 2023
The Life Of David - The Long Lasting Consequences Of Sin - 2 Samuel 21:1-22
Sunday Aug 06, 2023
Sunday Aug 06, 2023
Transformative Truth: "Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins." - Hebrews 9:22
1. The Beauty of Clarity (vv. 1-2)
2. The Brutality of Atonement (vv. 3-9)
3. The Blessing of Covenant (v. 7)
4. The Pathos of Love (vv. 10-14)
5. The Blissfulness of Security (vv. 15-22)

Sunday Jul 30, 2023
The Life Of David - Unstable But Still Standing - 2 Samuel 20:1-26
Sunday Jul 30, 2023
Sunday Jul 30, 2023
Human sin reduces instability, but God's kingdom never collapses.
The Rebellion of Sheba (vv. 1-2)
The Ruination of Victims (v. 3)
The Ruthlessness of Joab (vv. 4-13)
The Reaction of the People (vv. 14-22)
The Recovery of David’s Kingdom (vv. 23-26)

Sunday Jul 23, 2023
Sunday Jul 23, 2023
No king but Christ is perfectly victorious.
Confrontation 2 Samuel 19:1-8a
Conflict 2 Samuel 19:8b-15, 41-43
Concessions 2 Samuel 19:16-40
No king but Christ is perfectly victorious.

Sunday Jul 16, 2023
The Life Of David - A Bitter-Sweet Victory - 2 Samuel 18:1-33
Sunday Jul 16, 2023
Sunday Jul 16, 2023
Transformative Truth: The preserving of God’s kingdom involves the perishing of its enemies.
For the LORD had ordained to defeat the good counsel of Ahithophel, so that the LORD might bring harm upon Absalom. 2 Samuel 17:14
Tension 2 Samuel 18:1-4
Triumph 2 Samuel 18:6-18
The preserving of God’s kingdom involves the perishing of its enemies.
Tears 2 Samuel 18:19-33

Sunday Jul 09, 2023
The Life Of David - The Prevailing Purposes Of God - 2 Samuel 17:1-23
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Transformative Truth:
No human wisdom, insight, or plan can succeed against the Lord.
Ahithophel's Counsel 2 Samuel 17:1-4
Hushai's Counterplan 2 Samuel 17:5-13
The Lord's Control 2 Samuel 17:14-23
There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the LORD. Proverbs 21:30 NIV